One of the main reasons I have a blog is so I can always remember the things my boys did and said when they were little. So here are some great examples. :)
We had the best cuddles and conversation before bed the other night.
M: I love you so so much.
J: I love YOU so so much mommy.
M: Will you love me even when you're 35?
J: Even when I'm 99. All the time. I'll
always love you.
M: That makes me sooo happy. Good night buddy.
J: You have a good good night too!
*I have been trying to figure out
forever why Jacob's nails never grow. I've never seen him bite them, but somehow they always stay short. I even asked his pediatrician about it because I thought it was so strange. Finally, today I noticed that they had grown a little bit. I exclaimed, "Jakey! Your fingernails are growing!" He said, "Ohhh... I forgot to pick them off" and proceeded to show me how he picks his fingernails off. Yes, I think he doesn't like me to cut them
that much.
*Jacob goes to school every other Wednesday so today he asked, "Is Kindergarten open this Wednesday mommy?"
*He brought me a new pencil and said, "Twist it into a pencil please." Which, I guess, is basically what you are doing with a pencil sharpener.
*When he and Gavin were having lunch, Jacob profoundly said, "I am having peanut butter and jelly. Gavin is just having peanut butter and." Because without the jelly, it's just peanut butter and. ;)
*I bought a berry smoothie at Costco to share with Gavin. When I handed it to him, he said, "You share to Gavin. Good girl mommy!"
*The other day, Gavin grabbed my hand, led me to the couch, and said, "Let's go for a sit."
*After gazing at our pumpkins on the porch, he said, "Mommy, I want to eat the pumpkin patch."
*I asked Gavin if he wanted to be a pirate for Halloween and he said, "No. The pirates will get me in the water. (I'm pretty sure he was referring to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Disneyland. ;) I just go to Daddy's boat."
*I have to admit, I use the word 'super' a lot and it seems to be rubbing off on Gavin. For example, he will say, "Mommy, I
super need a drink of apple juice."
*I was cuddling with Gavin on the couch when he looked up at me with his big, toothless grin. I said, "Buddy, I'm so sorry you lost your teeth. To which he responded, "It OK mommy. You didn't knock out my teeth. I did it all by myself."
*Within a few weeks, Casey has gone from taking his first steps to walking all over our house. I love his cute, stubby little steps... I could watch him toddle all day. The funniest part is that he actually pivots (like you would in basketball) when he wants to turn. It cracks me up!
*My mom was feeding Casey oatmeal the other day, blowing each bite for him so it wasn't too hot. After observing her carefully, he began to pant along with her before every bite. Huuuh, huuuh, huuuh. It was so adorable.
*We can already tell that Casey is going to be a little on the sensitive side. Whenever we say NO in a firm voice, his little lip sticks out, his face melts, and tears stream from his eyes. This should make discipline easy, right? ;)
*Casey watches his brothers on our steps putting their shoes on each morning. So he toddles to the steps and sticks out his foot for me to put shoes on him too. He already wants to be such a big boy!
*At almost fourteen months, he can say: mama, dada, gama(grammy), Ja-cuh(Jacob), ah-in(Gavin), uv oo(love you), uh-oh, na na(banana or food), coo-kie, ple(please), du-doo(thank you), chee(when he sees the camera)