Saturday, March 15, 2008

Two years (and a few days) ago...

I thought that since I shared Jacob's birth story, I would share Gavin's as well. The days leading up to his birth were actually pretty eventful. Having had one C-section, we had the option of either having a second C-section or trying for a VBAC. We were torn by this seemingly simple decision for months.

We wanted to try for a VBAC, but I had done a lot of research about the potential risks and they scared me. The chances of something going wrong were slim (I was considered a optimal candidate due to the fact that my last C-section was caused by Jacob's umbilical cord and the fact that he was a small baby), but I was worried nonetheless.

I found out that St. Joe's, the hospital where I was supposed to give birth, no longer accepted VBAC patients. So I would have to see a doctor who could deliver me at Tacoma General. Just when it seemed the doors were closing, we ran into someone who knew a great doctor, specializing in VBACs. So I switched doctors just a few weeks before my due date.

I really liked this doctor, but she was incredibly straight forward with me. She agreed that I was a good candidate for a VBAC, but she was more concerned with the scared look on my face. When she asked me if I was worried, I immediately answered yes. Isn't that normal, I thought? I remember her saying that it actually wasn't. That most of her VBAC patients were completely gung-ho, would die before having another C-section, and wouldn't change their mind for anything. That you almost had to feel that way to have a successful VBAC.

So I decided that night to have a second C-section. I was just too overwhelmed and didn't want to risk anything going wrong. It was three days before my due date when I was scheduled for a C-section on March 9, my actual due date. Talk about last minute!

I actually slept fairly well the night before, eating dinner at the Spaghetti Factory (we decided it was tradition). The best part was that it was snowing when we woke up! When does it EVER snow in March? Seriously! It was so beautiful. Adam thought ahead to bring some movies, so we cuddled on my little hospital bed and watched a movie together while we waited for my scheduled time.

I was determined to have a positive, excited attitude about giving birth to my new baby instead of focusing on the surgery. I gave an optimistic smile to everyone who came in to help me get IV's started, etc. I was a caught a little off-guard when they wouldn't let Adam come in for my spinal. However, I tried to be brave and was very grateful to the anesthesiologist for giving me the spinal as quickly and painlessly as possible. I remember the team saying, "Wow, you and the woman having the C-section before you were as opposite as can be in this situation." I couldn't help but wonder what that woman was like...

Everything went well and I got to see and admire Gavin for a much longer time than Jacob. The difference between an emergency and scheduled C-section is huge. There's not this rushed, stressed-out look on everyone's face and your baby is not whisked away immediately after birth. Gavin was an absolutely beautiful and healthy baby... and we couldn't be more excited to welcome him into our family.

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