His little graduation was luau themed. Each student was supposed to decorate a paper sack shirt with their family. (Jacob kept telling me that we were going to Whooadee for his last day of preschool. I had to break the news to him that we were only pretending to be in Hawaii.)
Here is Jakey coming up to show off his shirt.
A close up of the back...
These were the questions he had to answer:
This shirt was made with the help of my mommy.
My favorite part of this shirt is the water and the whale and the shark and the fish.
The first thing I would do in Hawaii is go swimming and climb the coconut trees.
Then his teacher stated that the name Jacob means Benevolent. Each child had a verse connected to their name and Jacob's was 1 John 2:17. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
I totally had chills... because I want nothing more than to watch Jacob grow into a Godly man who serves the Lord.
Singing songs for us with his class.
Jacob with his two teachers, who were amazing.
I took a picture of Jacob by this sign on the first day of preschool too. Now he is waving goodbye preschool... hello kindergarten!
Here are some pictures of Northwest Trek from the week before. Can you believe I have lived in Puyallup for eight years and have never been here?! It was such a beautiful day and we had an amazing time.
I think we really lucked out because as soon as we walked up to these coyotes, they all started howling in unison. People could hear them from all ends of the park and we were right there to witness it! Not to mention that afterward, two of them got into a fight and almost hurt each other.
Jacob with his little girlfriends
The grizzly bears were so close to us, I couldn't believe it. Jacob couldn't either and kept asking if they were going to eat him.
I'm not sure why, but I was infatuated with the porcupine. I don't think I've ever seen one before.
The kids? They were more infatuated with this caterpillar crawling on the ground.
Those pictures were so cute!
The last day of preschool is a hard one...and each year it is worse!!!
I told my eight year old today I am going to give him lots of Coca-Cola so I can stunt his growth and keep him little with all the caffine in there! (I am kidding, but if I could figure out how to keep them little, I would. And yes, it was me at Kindergarten graduation wiping my eyes with the only thing in my purse-a wet wipe!!!)
it is amazing on how fast the years go by! enjoy your summer with your boys!! Congratulations Jacob:)
Oh, so big! I can't believe it. And no, I also can't believe you hadn't been to NW Trek! I only went once, before J was even born, but still!
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