Casey is surprising me everyday with how many words he can say! I think I'm so blown away because Jacob and Gavin weren't even close to saying as many things as Casey can at 16 months. He is so social, so I guess all of those words just really want to come out! ;)
Here are the words I have heard him say: soo (shoe), sockie, Sy (our dog), boon (balloon), tee (tree), uv oo (love you), pwane (plane), el-aw-ber (helicopter), dadee (casey), baba (sippy cup), ball, ple (please), da doo (thank you), poo poo (when I am changing him), abble (apple), eye, no (nose), mou (mouth), air (hair), bubble
Phrases I have heard him say: Mama ple (mama please), bye bye ecki (bye bye Lexi), da predee (that's pretty), Sy no!, da da pwane (daddy's plane), up up mama (when he wants out of his crib), wa dat (what's that), i wa joo (I want juice)
I do have to say though, this nursing thing is getting out of control! I stopped nursing Jacob at seven months because Adam and I were going to Jamaica (and I didn't want to be pumping on vacation. ;) Gavin nursed a little longer, but he lost interest and weaned himself around eleven months. So I kept waiting for that moment to arrive when Casey decided that he was all done nursing. I waited a long time... and now I'm not so sure that was the best thing to do. In the last month, he has been constantly pulling on me, saying nur nur (for nurse). It's all day long and it's horrible. So I realized a little too late that sometimes you have to wean them yourself. Preferably before they start talking and reaching down your shirt. :)
There is nothing Casey loves more than bubbles, spinning the propellers of his helicopter, and playing with the new toys he got for Christmas... including his brothers' Zhu Zhu hamsters :). (That's whenever he isn't pulling things out of kitchen drawers, playing in Sy's water dish, pulling toilet paper off the roll, and trying to get into the garbage can!) He can really kick a soccer ball and throw a ball well. Casey is very independent and lets us know that he wants to do things by himself. He is fearless and when I took him swimming yesterday, he walked straight into the deep end of the toddler pool over and over. If I let him go in a store, he will run away from me as fast as he can... never looking back. We are pretty sure he is going to be our social extravert, in contrast to our intraverted, laid back, surfer dude (which we think Gavin will be someday) and our sensitive, rule-following, intellect (who we think will do something amazing with that brain of his :). Three very different boys, but oh how we love each of them to pieces.
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