As grateful as I was for my weekend away, I was a little bummed to miss the airshow with my boys. I love watching their eyes light up as Adam shows them around his airplane. They are pretty sure they have the coolest dad ever! :) Adam must know me well, because he brought along the camera to capture some moments for me.
I have to laugh a little when I look at the pictures. Jacob in a long sleeve shirt, Gavin still in his t-ball shirt, Casey roaming aimlessly without a stroller... Daddy sure does things different when mommy isn't around! That's what makes daddy weekends fun though. ;)
Gavin was brave enough to try rock climbing.
This picture makes me smile because Jacob just told me the other day he wanted to have his wedding in outer space. :)
Casey is especially into airplanes, so I could just picture how excited he would be to see all of them. I'm sure he was pointing to the sky and shouting, "Airpwane, airpwane!" the entire time. Adam told me that while Casey was watching the airplanes in awe... Jacob was sprawled out on the ground. He was carefully observing a smudged, yellow line (with airplanes roaring above him), and said, "Daddy! It looks just like Alaska!" My boys are all so different... it cracks me up!
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