Sunday, November 08, 2009

Random Thoughts

*On Saturday, I felt like the Christmas season officially started for our family. We played our first Christmas CD in the car, bought our first eggnog latte poured into that snowflake red Christmas cup, and even did a little Christmas shopping for our boys. (This was pretty entertaining as I would distract the boys in another aisle while Adam hid presents in our cart. ;)

*I watched Casey and Gavin playing together for the first time yesterday. They were quietly sitting side by side in our room full of toys. Casey's big eyes were watching Gavin to see how he would interact with the animals. It was really sweet to watch, especially when I usually feel more like a referee in this house.

*I was holding Casey the other day and Adam leaned over to kiss me. At the exact moment that we kissed, we heard little Casey say, "Mmmmwaah." We both looked at each other, starting cracking up, and of course did it again. To which Casey happily said, "Mmmwaah." Every time.

*I have been asking Adam to burn our home videos onto DVDs so our family can watch them together. He was working on it today and we watched a video from Gavin's first birthday. I haven't ever gone back to watch the videos I've taken, so it was really fun to see Jacob at Gavin's age and Gavin at Casey's age. There were a few friends at this party that have moved away and I really miss them.

*We were able to fit our boat into the garage for the winter. Barely. We tried to maneuver it in when we first got it last June, but it was about two inches too tall. Seriously. So we let some air out of the tires and just barely squeezed it under the garage door. It was then that we noticed not only was it tight in the height, but the width and length were inches away from the wall and Adam's motorcycles. We made it though. Phew. Now Adam thinks we need a storage shed. ;)

*Adam is flying the C-17 for the Air Force for the next few months. This changes his (and our) life from being constantly on-call to ten day trips, followed by two to three weeks at home. Although we never look forward to the time Adam is away from our family, we appreciate the time when he is home that much more. It looks like he is going to be home for Thanksgiving as well, which I am super excited about.

*Everyone seems to ask how it is going and if I miss teaching. I do like teaching, but I feel blessed to be staying at home. There are different days of the week when I get to spend individual time with each of my boys, which I really love. Volunteering in Jacob's class has been so much fun and makes it easier to be away from my own classroom. It's also nice that I don't have to stress when one of my kids is sick... because I won't miss getting up in the middle of the night to call in a sub and write out lesson plans for sure. As of now, I don't see myself going back to work until Casey is in school.

*Even though staying at home with three boys is definitely busy, I have recently made spending time with God a priority again. Adam and I have always made going to church on Sunday and attending our small group a priority... but are discovering that if we desire a relationship with God, we need to spend more time praying and studying the Bible. A huge part of this realization is due to our small group reading a book called Crazy Love by Francis Chan. This book teaches the importance of passionately loving God and for Adam and I... our life is changing because of it.


Heather Mattos said...

I can't wait to start my shopping and have an eggnog latte now! I am considering starting a small group at our church too. I think they are reading the same book that you are. I will have to check it out.

Lovin' on my Boys said...

You definitely should! It's such a thought provoking book... and we really look forward to seeing the friends we've made in our small group each week too.

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

I miss you, too, my friend. And our small group was truly a highlight in my life. Thank you for the post and the email.