Saturday, January 29, 2011

Little Sayings by Little Boys

  • Jacob is starting to get a little sense of humor!  Gavin came up to him and said, "Jacob, I need to tell ya somethin'."  Jacob responded with, (referencing a song from Veggie Tales) "I don't have a belly button!"
  • It was almost time for bed and I wanted Jacob to read a book to me.  He didn't really want to so I said if he didn't read a book, then it would be time for bed.  He quickly answered, "The more you say that, the nocturnal-er I get!"
  • Jacob is not the biggest fan of me leaving to go anywhere without him.  The other day I was headed out to dinner with some friends when Jacob shouted out, "NO Mommy!  We have to be together forever!"
  • Jacob is pretty sure that school is closed down whenever students aren't there.  However, one night he curiously asked, "Mommy, are there any nocturnal people at Edgerton?"
  • Eating healthy food has become very important to Jacob.  He always asks if what we are eating is healthy and looks concerned if it isn't.  (Even though I always tell him it's okay to eat treats every now and then!)  Last night, he was excited to tell me his great idea.  "I know!  I'll put some grapes on my ice cream and then it can be healthy!"
  • Jacob was asking me why they had to be quiet at school.  I told him that it was important to be quiet so all of his friends can think and do their best learning.  He thought for a minute and replied, "But what if we can't think and do our best learning when the teacher is talking?"
  • Jacob is taking swim lessons once a week and loving it!  I was telling him that when mommy was a little girl, her favorite stroke was breaststroke.  When I asked him what his favorite stroke was, he said, "My favorite stroke is swimming underwater!!"
  • He has recently gotten really into watching movies like Annie, The Sound of Music, and Mary Poppins.  That might explain what he said when I was giving him his antibiotic a few weeks ago...  "Mommy, a spoonful of sugar will help my medicine go down!"
  • Gavin always calls dandelions "Lion Dans".  Whenever we are on a walk and he spots one, he says, "Look Mommy!  It's a Lion Dan!  They're my fravorite!"
  • The other day Gavin was getting dressed and he said, "Mommy... girls don't have peanuts, do they?"
  • We went to Disneyland when Gavin was three, but he hasn't talked about it for awhile.  Until out of nowhere last night he said, "When are we going to Disneyland?  I want to live in that."
  • Every time we put a movie in while the boys are in the car, Casey always says, "Puh play! (Push play)" until the previews are over and the movie begins.  His favorite movie during the winter was Frosty.  So whenever we were putting him in his car seat, he would say, "Casey want Frawfree!  Puh play!"
  • Sometimes Casey will say, "Want dat one" and point (instead of telling us what he actually wants).  So I was guessing what he wanted the other day and he said, "No no cheese!  Put dat cheese away!"
  • Casey calls pizza "teepa".  It's so cute!  I was asking him if he wanted pizza for dinner and he said, "No... no teepa!"
  • One of my favorite things is Casey's reaction to candles.  Whenever we light one, his eyes sparkle with delight and he says, "Candles!  Happy bir-day!  Happy bir-day!"  Then he fills his little cheeks with air and blows...
I love these boys and their little sayings!

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