Monday, March 24, 2008

Our big news

Thank you for all of your enthusiastic comments and kind wishes for our new baby. We are very excited to watch our family (and my tummy) grow!

I have to admit, we were skeptical about having three children. Adam has always had his mind set on two and I always thought two as well, possibly three. We never really talked about it much until Gavin was about 1 and a half. The exact age Jacob was when we found out we were pregnant with Gavin. It was then that we thought, wait a minute... this is when we were pregnant last time. We had to make the decision soon if we wanted to have one more. Mostly because it was important to Adam for our kids be around the same age apart.

We talked about it a long time, even to the point of making a list of pros and cons. It was then that we realized the pros of having another baby (another child to love, more than one sibling to bond with, getting to experience those precious moments one more time) outweighed the cons for us (the chaos of three kids running around, more work, etc). But three is our max... for real.

We agreed that the first years with three kids would be hard, but once they became a little more independent... it would get easier. Jacob will almost be in kindergarten, so he will be a good helper. I also called my good friend, who knows first hand what having three kids is like. It was a breath of fresh air to hear that her third child has been the easiest transition so far. So now we just have six months to get Gavin out of this crazy "terrible two" stage he is in. ;)

So to catch everyone up, I am seventeen weeks along. I could swear that I first felt the baby kick around fourteen weeks, and three or four times since. I have not been sick at all, which I am very grateful for. Although I craved Cheetos and the thought of teriyaki made me sick with the first two, I don't have any cravings or aversions with this one. It's like I'm not even pregnant... except for being ridiculously tired in my first trimester, crying at the drop of a hat, and now, my growing tummy.

My due date is August 30, so that means we get to pick the date sometime the week before. I'm really excited about having a summer baby (after having one in December and one in March). Some say being pregnant in the summer is miserable, but I'd rather lay around my house than teach in my third trimester anyday! We are very excited for the new little life we will bring into this world. It's going by so fast already!


Organized Chaos said...

I was lying...3 is awful!

J/K...although, Brooke is doing the terrible 2's as well, overall not bad just random tantrums!

I wish I was around to share a trainer with you again after this baby! I need one and I'm not even pregnant or post pregnant.

Mckenna's bday is Aug. 19 and it wasn't bad being pregnant in the summer...helped me maintain my weight gain because I was wearing shorts (sandles are great for swollen feet) and couldn't hide in maternity jeans and sweaters!

Tylertopia said...

So exciting! I was pregnant with Ayden in the summer, in Arizona where it didn't go below 110 degrees. I was pregnant with Kael in the summer too (here in Washington) and I'd have to say I'd defintiely choose Washington weather. LOL. :o)I'm sure it'll be just fine and as you mentioned...really nice to have the birthdays spread out too.