Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A special treat

I love the snow. I love watching my kids run to the window and peer outside in awe. There's nothing like the serenity, beauty, and magic of snow. I can't believe that I was just talking about the sunny weather on Gavin's birthday, and two weeks later it's snowing again. This state is crazy.

When we were driving to Awana, Jacob and I were bubbling over in excitement about the huge snowflakes falling. Here were some funny comments he made:

J: Mommy, is it Christmas?
J: Is it winter again? (Because it couldn't possibly be snowing in spring, right? ;)

Later on, when I was tucking him into bed:
J: It was a BIG snow day today!
J: Mommy, that was a good treat. Did I get that treat because I was good at Awana?
M: Do you know who gave you that special treat? God did, because he loves you.
J: Ohhh..
J: Thank you God for my special treat of snow!

1 comment:

kilipohi said...

Yeah! I am gald we found each other again. Blogs are so much fun to find out what people are up to. I didn't hear that Carrie was pregnant too. I am happy for her. We should all get together.