Sunday, August 30, 2009


Our family has a tradition of camping at Leavenworth each summer. Well... my style of camping anyway. You know, the kind where there is a river, outdoor pool, coffee/ice-cream stand, playground, pancake breakfast, and most importantly, an air-conditioned cabin. I was especially looking forward to it, because last year our family wasn't able to go for the first time ever (Casey was born that same week!). We actually went right before Casey's birthday, but then we had his party, Gavin knocked his teeth out... life just happened.

I cannot even describe how happy I was to be with my mom, sister, brother-in-law, Maddie and Travis. First of all, with my husband as a pilot, I am so grateful for any time off when our family can play together. Secondly, my kids would rather play with their cousins than anyone else in the world. I could watch their smiling faces as they chase each other in the grass ALL DAY. Third, my sister and her husband can make me laugh until it hurts. You know those people who have a witty comment for everything? I don't know how they come up with the things they say, but I love it! Add my mom to that equation who gets up at the crack of dawn to walk to the playground with me and my kids... offers to stay with Casey because he is too little to go river rafting... puts my kids to bed so Adam and I can see an outdoor play. Camping would definitely not be as fun if any pieces of this puzzle were missing.

So here are some pictures of the things I was telling you about...

Our cabin with a little porch swing out front

Playing with Daddy in the river while Mommy took pictures

Sy even made a friend!Running around with the cousins

I can't run around yet, but look out next year!
Until then, my cousin Maddie will hold me...The outdoor plays in Leavenworth are AMAZING. This year was particularly special because Adam and I got to take Jacob to his very first play. My mom, sister, and I went to plays all of the time growing up, so it definitely gave me goosebumps to pass down the tradition to my oldest son. It happened to be one of my all-time favorites, The Sound of Music. I spent the entire week preparing Jacob by singing Raindrops on Roses, Do Re Mi, Sixteen going on Seventeen, and Edelweiss. So Jacob was super excited when he recognized these songs throughout the play. He told me afterward that his favorite part was when all of the children put on The Lonely Goatherd puppet show... and he liked Gretyl, because she was five just like him.

The play is set up in the mountains, so you have about a ten minute hike to get to your seats. Maddie even gave Jacob a piggy back ride for the first part.

My favorite part of the camping trip was river rafting. This was brand-new to the KOA this year. Our family purchased tubes with my sister's family and carried them down to the river. We linked all seven tubes together so nobody would get separated! For the most part, the ride was really calm and we just chatted it up while we floated down the river. If we noticed something fun like rocks to climb on (or jump off of), we hopped off of our tubes and played with our kids together. All of us adults jumped off a super high rock and I even convinced my niece to hold my hand and jump with me! The world is completely blurry without her glasses, so it was particularly brave! It was a very eventful two hours ~ My nephew fell out of his tube during one of the rapids and Adam dove to save him (thank goodness for life jackets!), Gavin pooped in the river because well, there was just nowhere else to go (Daddy cleaned up that one while Mommy was rock jumping ;), we went swimming for my sister's lost flip flop, we went swimming for both of Gavin's sandals, jokes were told, and memories were made. At the end, a little van from the KOA picked us up and drove us back to the campsite. It was honestly one of the most fun afternoons of my life!

Then my sister and her husband left for the play, so we had all five kids. Can you believe we took them swimming in the outdoor pool at eight o'clock? Hot weather will make you do crazy things! After that, we all settled in for s'mores at the campfire.

Look at this adorable s'more face, pre-toothlessness
All but one were in their pjs.

By the end of the night, our mission was successful. They were all passed out in separate bunks.


Mike, Laura, & Makenna said...

Oh my gosh! How fun! I can't wait to make traditions like this with Makenna.

Heather Mattos said...

that is my style of camping too! It looks like you all had a blast.