Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Some Jacob funnies...

*Tonight Jacob had a sad look on his face. When I asked him why, he said it was because he didn't know how to do a heartwheel.

*Jacob had a question for his daddy, but he was at work. When I picked up the phone to call him, Jacob's eyes got huge. He gasped and asked, "YOU know DADDY'S phone number?!"

*We were watching Blue's Clues, where the man ski-doos (jumps) into the pictures to be part of the story. Later I was reading Jacob a book and there was a picture of a sad boy. I said, "Jacob, will you be this little boy's friend?" To which he very matter-of-factly said, "No mom. I can't ski-doo."

*We don't watch commercials in our family very often, but Jacob is usually glued to them when they are on. "Mommy we have that toy. Mommy I would love that one!" Or most recently, "Look, that train has tracks that never run out! Batteries aren't included!"

*Jacob's homework said to draw one thing you are thankful for. He drew this very detailed, colorful picture of himself and exclaimed, "I'm thankful for me!"

*He was holding a piece of cheese and Sy was waiting at his feet. Jacob dropped it into his mouth and said in an exasperated tone, "Sy didn't say please AGAIN."

*Jacob always carries on a great conversation with whoever is cutting his hair. He usually talks about puzzles, kindergarten, or Super Mario Brothers. Until his stylist asked him if he was going to have any more baby brothers or sisters... to which he responded, "No. My daddy turned off his baby-maker."

*Last, he really wanted to pray last night and this was what he felt was extra important to say.

Dear God,

Please help me to have good dreams and help me to fall asleep fast. Please help me to pause my thinking. And please help Daddy to play the wii right.


1 comment:

Oh Joy said...

Hysterical!!! I love to hear what comes out of these kiddos mouths!