Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Four years old

There is something about Gavin turning four that is bittersweet. I think it's because the "baby" is disappearing in my baby. They still seem to have that sweet baby look when they are three... then all of sudden they turn four and you realize they are all grown up. (Especially when their two front teeth are missing ;) Here is a look back on four precious years with Gavin...



I hope you have the most special day in the world... because the day you were born was one of the most special days in my world. It snowed on our drive to the hospital, it was snowing outside when you blew out three candles last year, and it is supposed to snow tomorrow on your birthday. God must think you are pretty special too. :) I love how you pat me on the back when we hug, I love how you are always willing to share your treats, I love how you want to cuddle with me every morning, I love how your front teeth are missing, I love everything about you. You are mommy's bestest boy and you make me sooo proud.


1 comment:

Heather Mattos said...

Happy Bday!! Time sure does fly by. Have a wonderful day.