Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Travel dates!!!

We got our first travel dates to Russia!  The time between getting our referral and our first travel dates took a lot longer than our adoption agency expected.   I guess there was a misunderstanding with some new directions that were given and the adoption center didn't want to give us dates until it was resolved.  Now it should go really fast though, with merely weeks and even days between trips!  Whew!

I am completely in awe of God's perfect timing.  Adam had the last few days in October off, so we decided to take our boys to San Diego.  Our adoption agency actually called us while we were in Legoland!  I was screaming and jumping up and down... people must have just thought I was really excited to be there.  :)  Also, as of November 1, my hubby is based in Seattle again!   It is so amazing to have him home and it definitely makes it a lot easier to get ready for our trip!  My mom usually goes to Arizona with my grandma until Thanksgiving, but she decided to come home a few weeks earlier this year.  It ends up her flight back is just a few days before we have to leave, which is a huge blessing for us and our boys!  Another blessing is we will be back in time for Thanksgiving, and we will be able to speak on November 6th at our church for Orphan Sunday.  God is good!

Wow, there is a lot to do though!  Between applying for our visas (Adam had to write down every country he has visited for the past ten years, which was a looooong list being a pilot!) finding the best stand-by flights (and there are so many different options), getting everything ready for our boys while we are away, packing... whew!  We are sooooo excited to finally meet our little girl though.  Beyond words excited.  I can't wait to share our story and introduce her to all of you!


Missy said...

Omigosh I am soooo pumped for you! Your whole story excites me and melts my heart all at the same time.

Heather Mattos said...

How wonderful!! No worries because everything will work out and you will have her safe and sound very soon. PS...I am sad that you were here and only minutes away from my house,and we have a legoland pass.

Lovin' on my Boys said...

I'm sorry Heather! It was totally last minute and SUCH a quick weekend. Wish we could've stayed longer and gotten together though! :)