Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Conversations with Jacob

1. Jacob and I were watching Shrek the Third yesterday. With Fiona being pregnant, everyone was congratulating her.

J: "Gradulations Momma!" Pause. Look of confusion. "What gradulations is? Gradulations means there's a baby in your tummy?!"

2. We were reading a Christmas Countdown book and on each page there was a mommy, daddy, and three children. The older two looked about Jacob and Gavin's age, so I pointed to one as Jacob and the other as Gavin.

J: "Daddy, Mommy, Jacob, and Gavin. That's Gavin, Momma? That's Gavin when he's a girl?" (OK, so the child I chose as Gavin did look a little girlish)

3. Jacob is very much into his little routines at night. Although he has a super comfy bed in his room, he only wants to sleep on his futon cushion on the floor. He calls it Grammy's bed because that's where Grammy sleeps when she comes over. This futon cushion used to only have a comforter and pillow on it. However, Jacob has slowly added a book or stuffed animal each night to comfort him while he goes to sleep. (He used to be scared of his stuffed animals at night, so we thought this was a good thing.) Except now we are up to seven stuffed animals, five books, and an elephant flashlight. The masses have completely taken over his bed to the point where he looks swallowed up in-between them all. Yet, he insists that he needs each one to have happy dreams. Every animal and book is in its special place, and his pug stuffed animal must be covered up by the other animals. (I think it's because he's scared of Sy coming in his room at night) Here was our conversation last night, when Jacob noticed that his pillowcase was different.

J: "This is a black pillow mommy. Where's my pillow?"
M: "This is your pillow. I just put a new pillowcase on it."
J: "My pillow is in the wash-it machine?"
M: "No, this IS your pillow. It just has a new cover."
J: "No, this is NOT my pillow. I have a blue pillow. I don't like the black pillow! It's too monster-y!"

A few minutes later... Gavin is crying and Jacob assesses the situation.
J: "Mommy! Gavin is cry-ing! He needs more mii-lk."
J: "Mommy! Gavin likes a new dia-per please!"
J: "Mommy, Gavin wants to brush his tee-eth!"
M: "He's OK Jacob. He just wanted a little hug goodnight."
J: "Mommy, tell Gavin not to be scared of the monsters."

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