Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas ~ Part III

Adam's dad was really sick on Christmas, so all of the traditional festivities with his side of the family were delayed until the next day. This actually worked out well for us, since Adam was flying on Christmas Day. He got in late that night, and we woke up to Christmas... as if he had never missed a thing! Stockings, presents, Christmas dinner, he got to experience it all. I couldn't have been more ecstatic and blessed to have our family complete. It's a good thing our kids are little still so we can get away with it. ;)

The funniest thing happened later that evening! Almost everyone was in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner. The kids (or so we thought) were playing quietly in the living room. A little too quietly actually, so I left the kitchen to check on them. The first thing I saw was Gavin with food of some sort in his hand. I thought to myself, that's strange. Where did he get something to eat? Little did I know, a family friend had left an assortment of cookies on the coffee table in the living room. So there were the three cousins, huddled around the cookies, totally unsupervised, eating them as fast as they could possibly cram them down. It was hilarious! When do toddlers ever have an entire plate of cookies to themselves, without anyone telling them which ones or how many they can have?! Well, they took FULL advantage of the situation. We even saw bites out of cookies that they had tried and discarded back onto the plate. We're not quite sure how many cookies were consumed, just really thankful that they didn't get sick. ;)

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