Sunday, June 17, 2007


Ever since he watched his cousin Maddie get on her big, yellow school bus, Jacob just can't stop talking about kindergarten.
"Mommy, when do I get to go to kiddergarden like Maddie?"
I told him when he was five, like Maddie, he could go to kindergarten too.
"When I am five, I will go to kiddergarden."
He now says this whenever we drive past any building that remotely resembles a school.
"Mommy, is that where I will go to kiddergarden?!?"
Jacob also has been very intrigued lately by the fact that I am a school teacher.
"Do I get to go to kiddergarden at Mommy's school?!? What we learn at kiddergarden?"
I told him that he will learn all about letters and the sounds they make.
"Like A Apple aaaa and B ball bbbbb and c cake cccccc? ABCDEFG....!"
He is a very sequence-oriented little guy, so he broke it all down for himself.
"When I am five, I go to kiddergarden... when I am six, I go to first grade and lose my teeth... when I am seven, I get new big teeth."
The only problem is, he doesn't have any idea how long it will be before he turns five. So we'll be hearing about how much he wants to go to "kiddergarden" for quite awhile!

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