Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not so sure about the "Terrible Twos"

I'm pretty sure it happens around 18 months in our family. It's that age where you want so much to be independent, but you're not sure how to express yourself in words. So you throw a fit. A full on, arched back, throw yourself on the floor, kicking, screaming fit.

I fully admit to having the worst memory... ever. So I don't quite recall what Jacob was like at Gavin's age. But I do remember that 18 months was way more high maintenance than when he was two. At two, he was really sweet and compliant actually. So it worked out to our advantage that Gavin didn't join our family until Jacob was two and three months. I was more than grateful to have a sweet, compliant toddler around while getting used to life with a brand-new baby.

Gavin was a really good baby too. He slept through the night around 6-8 weeks (Babywise worked like a charm :) and was always happy and full of smiles. Gavin would coo and play when he was awake and sleep quietly for hours when he was not. Hmmm... I must be making up for it now.

Gavin can say a few words to express himself (like more, all done, please, thank you, love you) but what he can't yet say is, "Mommy I want to go outside!!" So he goes to the door, tries unsuccessfully to open it, and throws himself on the floor when I try to pull him away. Now Gavin is a big (in the 100% for everything), strong little guy. I can barely pick him up while he is throwing a fit, let alone contain him. So I just let him throw his fit until he's done.

Adam and I have always struggled with when to start spanking. Do they really understand at 18 months? Well, today I spanked Gavin... and he understood. So that answers my question. ;) He was throwing a major tantrum as I put him in his highchair for lunch. I could hardly get him in because he arched his back and was fighting me with all of his strength. I finally got him in and placed his sandwich on his tray. Which he picked up and threw as hard as he could. So I immediately picked him up, told him no, and spanked him. I sat him back in his highchair and gave him his sandwich again. Let's just say he didn't throw it this time. After sniffling submissively, he picked up his sandwich and ate it.

Gavin really does light up my life with joy everyday. He is full of smiles and giggles and sweet moments. It's just every now and then when he wants his way... and doesn't get it. I guess he'll learn soon enough, maybe even the hard way. Mommy does not give in. :)


Organized Chaos said...

Wow...this sounds like Brooke! She isn't defiant, but definitly opinionated and wants me to know what she is trying to say so badly and gets mad when she doesn't get her way!

Sounds like these two together in a bad mood could be pretty frustrating, and entertaining. Wish they could play together! :)

Random - I worked out with a friend yesterday that I just got to join the gym with me and I pretended I was her trainer and did a lot of stuff Lisha did with us...even broke out the medicine ball and stood back to back and handed it off left, right, left, etc. Thought of you! It wasn't fair you got the lighter medicine ball! I don't want to be stronger, I want to be thinner! :)

Anonymous said...

My terrible two's also start at 18months I think. It was the WORST with Kailey so I am just waiting to see it with Lexi. Kailey got her first spanking at 18months in the middle of the mall during an uncontrolable temper tantrum!!! Nothing more embarassing than that!! Hang in there mom!!