Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hair gel

I take Jacob to get his hair cut about once a month. (Luckily, Gavin's hair looks cute when it grows out a little so it's not as high maintenance. ;) At the end of the haircut, they always ask if Jacob wants gel in his hair. I don't usually put gel in his hair, but it's such a small amount that he doesn't even notice. Yesterday though, the lady put gobs and gobs of gel in his hair. And he immediately noticed. Here is what I heard all afternoon until I helped him get the gel out.

"Mommy, that lady put drool (it sounded like either drool or jewel)in my hair!"

"Help get my drool off!"

I patted him on the head and told him it looked cute.

"No, don't pet it!" Then he felt it and cried, "Oh no! I got more drool!"

"This is making me SO SAD!"

"Mommy, I need some water to get it out. I need a bath!"

So finally, after the drool dried, we got it all out. And he will probably never want gel in his hair again. :)

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

You totally needed a picture of the "drool" hair!