I've been writing down some funny things Jacob and Gavin have been saying lately so I could share them. These little guys are TOO funny!
~ Jacob ~
Jacob was watching his daddy mow the lawn when he suddenly yelled out to him (through the closed sliding glass door ;) "Daddy, I have a question! Daddy! Do you like moving the lawn?!" Because apparently... that is what Daddy is doing out there.
Jacob was full of energy one day and being
extra silly. Through his giggles, he looked at me and said, "Mommy, sometimes I wear people out!"
Whenever Jacob and Gavin are upstairs in bed, Gavin usually starts talking or making big roaring sounds. Jacob gets really upset when he does this because he wants it quiet so he can sleep. So he said, "Mommy! I want Gavin to be shy!" To Jacob, being shy means you don't talk.
Adam was showing Jacob a penny and telling him that the man on the front was Abe Lincoln. Later that day, he showed me the penny and said, "Look mom. A - BLANKET."
Jacob had a bad cold last week and I was taking his temperature. He looked at me with sad eyes and said, "Mommy, does it say I have a stuffy nose?"
~ Gavin ~
The other day I heard Gavin saying, "Ok-nee, dok-nee, artichokey!" I couldn't help but wonder where he had heard that before. It was very possible that I could have said it, so that's what I assumed. Then I met my friend for lunch today and she told me that her son was saying the exact same thing! We figured out that it was from a Leap Frog letter movie that we both have. How funny.
Gavin desperately wanted me to play with him so he was tugging me off the couch with his little hand, saying, "Come on! Follow da leader!"
Gavin was running by Jacob and accidentally knocked him over. He looked back and said, "Oops! Exclose me!" (That's what he says when he burps now too ;)
When Gavin was jumping on the trampoline, Jacob kept trying to get on with him. Gavin finally got really mad and shouted, "NO! I ON THE TRAMPOLINE! THAT MAKE GOD SAD WHEN JACOB DO THAT! THAT MAKE GOD SO SAD!" We've been talking about God feeling sad when our kids aren't making good choices, can you tell?
Gavin hears Adam and I call each other hunny and he hears Jacob using the word Miss for his teacher. So he decided to put them together. When he was in the pantry, he called out to me, "Miss hun-ny? You get me some play-doh?" (He also starting calling me Mommy Girl recently.)
This morning, Gavin lifted up his shirt and proclaimed, "Gavin tummy is big and Mommy tummy is little." And really, aren't those the words that every mom wants to hear from her son? You are totally covered for Mother's Day buddy. ;)
~ Casey ~
"Da da da da..."