Saturday, September 03, 2011

First day of school!

Excitement filled the air after meeting their teachers... all the way until I was tucking them in that night.  Then Jacob starting getting super nervous, which quickly turned into crying.  Poor little guy.  He just wasn't sure what to expect in second grade and he really likes knowing what to expect.  It probably would have helped if one of his friends was going to be in his class, but no such luck.  I couldn't help but look over at Gavin, all tucked away in his little bed and ready for Kindergarten.  I was seriously hoping Jacob wasn't scaring him.  That's when I heard him say, "It's okay Jacob.  Don't be scared.  I will miss my friends too."  Seriously?  My kindergartner, who is going to a brand new school, riding the bus for the first time, leaving all his friends from preschool behind... is consoling my second grader??  Sheesh.

This little cutie was SO brave.  I was really proud of him!
I just let them choose whatever backpack they liked this year so here is what we ended up with!  They were so happy.  :)
I just knew Jacob would have a great first day... I kept trying to convince him!
I even got a little smile out of him!
  Kindergarten.  I can't believe it.  Part of me is a little emotional about it and the other part is just so relieved he still jumps off the bus at 11:30 each day!!
Good luck hugs.
Daddy giving Gavin a pep talk and a high five.
Here comes the bus!
I made it all the way until they found a seat beside each other.  That's when my eyes filled with tears.  All this independence and letting go stuff is tough on a mommy!
I followed the bus to school just to make sure Gavin found his line okay.  We had coached Jacob to hold Gavin's hand and walk with him to his line... but you never know.  Thank goodness for Jacob though because when I got to school, it was madness!  Cars parked everywhere, legally and illegally.  I couldn't find a spot until the first bell had already rung.  :(  I ran up just in time to see that they had both found their lines okay... and give them one last hug.

Gavin's kindergarten class!
Casey slept through the boys getting on the school bus, but he definitely was missing his brothers as soon as he woke up!  He was really excited when it was time for Gavin to come home!
We waited...
and waited...
and waited...
The bus was over an hour late!  I guess the bus driver had the wrong schedule or something?  Crazy.
Jacob came home a few hours later and just as I had predicted, was smiling from ear to ear!  He is in love with his teacher already.  He told me that she is really REALLY good and he loves listening to her voice.  What a crack up!  I think it's gonna be a good year.  :)

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