Sunday, October 28, 2007

Boy toys

We went for a ride (Jacob and Daddy on the Honda, Gavin and Mommy on the go-cart) to the playground the other day. All of the boy toys in our garage are seriously out of control. Motorcycles, bikes, go-carts, model airplanes... you can tell we have a family full of boys! How did I let Adam sweet talk me into all of these? I have to admit though, they are pretty fun. I can't help but love our family rides as Daddy waves to Gavin on the go-cart and I wave to Jacob on the motorcycle. I appreciate that at least mommy gets to be a part of all the boy fun.

The conversation at the playground was pretty funny:

Jacob: Daddy, please help me on the monkey bars!
(Adam helps him.)
Jacob: That's a good boy Daddy. GOOD BOY. I give you two leaves. (Proceeds to pick up two leaves and place them in his hand)
Adam: (Looks at me with a smile) He's paying me in leaves?
Meanwhile, Jacob has moved on to the rock wall.
Jacob: Mommy! I need help on the rock wall. I will give you a treeat!

The next funny thing happened in the bathroom before bedtime. Jacob was in there a. long. time.

Jacob: Mommy, I just gotta go poo-poo when I ate too much. Go poo-poo and then I don't have a bad dream. (Giggle.) I'm just being SILLY!

1 comment:

Organized Chaos said...

You are a very good sport!

By the way, you've been tagged...see my blog.